normal creatinine levels

creatinine is a waste product in the blood. It comes from the protein in your diet and the normal breakdown of your body's muscles. Creatinine is eliminated from the blood by the kidneys and then exits the body in the urine. If you have kidney disease, the level of creatinine in the blood increases.
so i will tell you normal creatinine levels
Serum and urine tests can determine your creatinine levels. Tests are done to check how well your kidneys are working.

NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Amount of blood drawn: 4 milliliters (which would be equal to minus 1 small spoon)

Amount of blood drawn = 4 milliliters (less than 1 teaspoon)

A normal result is 0.7 to 1.3 mg / dL (61.9 to 114.9 μmol / L) for men and 0.6 to 1.1 mg / dL (53 to 97.2 μmol / L) for women. Women generally have lower creatinine levels than men. ... The level of creatinine varies based on a person's size and muscle mass.

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

Blood creatinine test

It is an analysis that measures the level of creatinine in the blood. It is done to see how well the kidneys are working.
How the test is performed

It is the collection of blood from a vein. In most cases, it is done for laboratory analysis.

How the test is performed

  • The site is cleaned with a disinfectant (antiseptic).
  • An elastic band is placed around the upper arm in order to apply pressure in the area. This causes the vein to fill with blood.
  • A needle is inserted into the vein.
  • The blood is collected in an airtight vial or in a tube attached to the needle.
  • The elastic band is removed from the arm.
  • The needle is removed and the site is covered with a bandage to stop bleeding.
  • In infants or young children, a sharp instrument called a lancet may be used to puncture the skin and make it bleed. The blood is collected on a slide or on a test strip. A bandage may be placed over the area if there is any bleeding.

Creatinine clearance test

It is an analysis that helps provide information about how the kidneys are working. This test compares the level of creatinine in the urine with the level of creatinine in the blood.

How the test is performed
This test requires both a urine sample and a blood sample. You will collect urine for 24 hours and then your blood sample will be taken. Follow the instructions exactly. This guarantees accurate results.

Urinalysis: creatinine

What is it

Creatinine is a waste product that muscles manufacture at a steady rate as part of normal daily activity. The bloodstream carries the creatinine to the kidneys, which are responsible for extracting it from the blood during the filtration process and eliminating it through the urine (pee).

The analysis of creatinine in urine measures the amount of this substance that contains urine. It can be done independently or together with other tests that determine the number of other substances that the urine contains.
Why is it done?

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

Healthy kidneys filter the blood to eliminate waste products that the body can not use. A low concentration of creatinine in the urine may suggest kidney disease, certain muscular and neuromuscular disorders, or an obstruction of the urinary tract. If the results of the analysis are abnormal, additional tests will be carried out to make a specific diagnosis.

The creatinine clearance (or clearance) test measures how much creatinine is eliminated through the urine for several hours. Blood tests are also usually done to measure the amount of creatinine in the blood. This provides information to doctors about how well the kidneys are working.

A doctor may request a urine creatinine test along with other urine tests, even if you do not suspect a kidney problem. Since creatinine is filtered at a virtually constant rate, doctors compare the concentration of creatinine with the concentrations of other substances to see if they are excreting at a normal rate.


Your child may need to temporarily stop taking certain medications that affect creatinine levels in the urine and ask him not to eat large amounts of meat one or two days before the test.

The procedure

To do a clearance analysis (or clearance) of creatinine, you must collect all the urine that your child eliminates for 24 hours. If they are going to do the collection at home, they will most likely be given a special container from a laboratory to collect urine, as well as specific instructions.

If your child still wears diapers and does not know how to urinate in a container, urine collection bags with tape on one end can be used to collect the samples. You should clean the baby's genital area, place the bag around the urinary opening and attach it with the adhesive tape. You can put the diaper on top of the bag. You should change the bag frequently to collect all the urine and empty each bag in the collection container.

Another option is to use a catheter (a soft, narrow tube) that is inserted into the bladder and left there for 24 hours in a row to get the urine sample.

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

If you are going to collect the sample in your home, follow the conservation and transport instructions indicated in the laboratory.

What to expect

Since this test only involves urinating normally, your child should not feel any discomfort as long as he can provide a urine sample.

Obtaining the results
In general, the results of the creatinine analysis in the urine are available after one or two days. The doctor will analyze the results with you and explain what they mean. If any abnormality is detected, it will be necessary to do additional tests.


There are no risks associated with a urine creatinine test.

Infants may occasionally experience skin irritation due to the adhesive tape used to hold the urine collection bags. If it is necessary to use a catheter to remove the sample, the infant may feel temporary discomfort. If you have any questions or questions related to this procedure, talk with your child's doctor.

How to help your child

If you explain to your child how the test is done and why it is necessary to do so, it will help alleviate any fear you may have. Make sure your child understands that there should not be any strange items, such as toilet paper or hairs, in the sample. All urine must be collected so that the results of the analysis are accurate.

If you have any question

If you have questions about urine creatinine testing, talk with your child's doctor.

Urinalysis: microalbumin-creatinine ratio

 normal creatinine levels

What is it

The analysis of the microalbumin-creatinine ratio in urine involves measuring the amount of a protein called "albumin" in the urine (pee). The amount of albumin in the urine is compared to the amount of a waste product present in the urine called "creatinine".

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

Normally the body filters creatinine from urine at a constant rate; therefore, comparing the ratio between albumin and creatinine in the same urine sample helps determine if the body is excreting albumin to a greater extent than normal. If this happened, it could be due to kidney disease.

In most healthy people, the kidneys prevent albumin and other proteins from entering the urine. However, if the kidneys were injured and began to allow proteins to pass from the blood to the urine, the first type of protein that would appear in the urine would be albumin. This is because the albumin molecules are smaller than the molecules of most other proteins.

The repeated presence of small amounts of albumin in the urine is called "microalbuminuria" and is associated with the early stages of kidney disease. When larger amounts of albumin are detected in the urine, this problem is called "macroalbuminuria" and may indicate more serious kidney disease.

Why is it done?

The analysis of the microalbumin-creatinine ratio in urine is usually used in screening tests to rule out kidney problems in adolescents with diabetes. It can also be done on a more regular basis, such as once a year, in adolescents with diabetes to help identify kidney disease in its initial phase.

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

Likewise, it is also used to control kidney function in children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with kidney disease or who are taking medications that can affect the kidneys. This analysis can also help detect renal complications of hypertension and autoimmune diseases.


Your child may need to stop taking specific medications for a time that could interfere with the results of the test. Be sure to check all medications your child takes with their doctor.

The procedure

Your child will have to urinate (pee) in a clean jar to collect the sample in the doctor's office or at home. The collection of the sample should only last a few minutes. If your child still uses diapers and is not able to urinate inside the bottle, it may be necessary to insert a catheter (a soft, narrow tube) into the bladder to get the urine sample.

In babies, a urine collection bag with tape on one end can be used to collect the urine sample. If you are going to do the collection at home, you should clean the baby's genital area and then stick the bag around the urinary opening. Once the bag is placed, it will hold it using the adhesive tape. And you can put the baby's diaper after hitting the bag. Remove the urine collection bag once your baby has urinated inside, usually within a period of one hour. Take the sample to the laboratory.

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

Sometimes, the doctor will want to analyze the collected urine for a period of time that can range from 4 to 24 hours. After each urination, you or your child will pour the sample from the sample collection bottle into a larger container. Be careful not to touch the inside of the container. During the collection period of the sample, all urine should be collected, even if the quantities are very small.

If you are going to collect the sample at home, follow the storage and transportation instructions provided by the laboratory. In the laboratory, the technician will determine the amount of albumin present in the urine and compare it with the amount of creatinine in the urine.

What to expect

Since this test only involves urinating normally, your child should not feel any discomfort as long as he can provide a urine sample. It is important to keep the area surrounding the urinary opening very clean before analysis.

Obtaining the results

The results of the microalbumin-creatinine ratio analysis in urine will be available after 1 to 3 days. It is important to know that sometimes children eliminate albumin through their urine even if they do not have any kidney disease.

If abnormal results are obtained, complementary tests will be requested to know if there is a disease and, if so, to help diagnose it. Talk with your child's doctor about the meaning of the results of specific tests.

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels


Collecting a urine sample to make an analysis of the ratio of microalbumin-creatinine in urine is usually painless and without risks. Infants can experience

What is the ratio of microalbumin and creatinine?

Microalbumin is a small amount of a protein called albumin. It is normally found in the blood. Creatinine is a normal waste product found in the urine. The ratio of microalbumin and creatinine compares the amount of albumin with the amount of creatinine in the urine.

When there is albumin in the urine, the amount can vary a lot throughout the day. But creatinine is released at a constant rate. Because of this, your doctor or health professional can measure more accurately the amount of albumin compared to the amount of creatinine in the urine. If albumin is found in the urine, it may indicate that you have a kidney problem.

Other names: albumin-creatinine ratio; albumin in the urine; microalbumin, urine; ACR (for the abbreviations in English of "Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio") u UACR (for the abbreviations in English: Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio)

For what do you use it?

The ratio of microalbumin and creatinine is often used to assess people at increased risk of kidney disease. These include people with diabetes or high blood pressure. Identifying a kidney disease at an early stage can help prevent serious complications.

Why do I need a ratio of microalbumin and creatinine?
You may need this test if you have diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that:

People with type 2 diabetes get tested every year
People with type 1 diabetes get tested every five years

If you have high blood pressure, the microalbumin-creatinine ratio test may be done at regular intervals, as recommended by your doctor or health professional.

What happens during a microalbumin-creatinine ratio?
For a microalbumin-creatinine ratio, you will be asked to give a 24-hour urine sample or a urine sample at random.

For the 24-hour urine sample, you must collect all the urine for a period of 24 hours. The health professional or laboratory staff will give you a container to collect the urine and instructions to collect and store the samples. Collecting the 24-hour urine sample usually includes the following steps:

Urinate in the morning in the toilet and throw the chain. Do not collect a sample of that urine. Write down the time

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

During the following 24 hours, store all the urine in the container provided.

Keep the urine container in the refrigerator or in a cooler with ice.

Follow the instructions to take or send the sample container to your doctor's office or laboratory.
For a random urine sample, you will receive a container to collect the urine sample and special instructions to give a sterile sample. The clean urine sample method has the following steps:


Clean the genital area with a wet wipe. Men should clean the tip of the penis.

Start urinating in the toilet.

Place the collection container under the urine stream.

Collect at least 1 or 2 ounces of urine in the container, which must be marked to indicate the amounts.
Finish urinating on the toilet.

Return the container with the sample following the instructions of the health professional
Will I have to do something to prepare for the test?

The ratio of microalbumin and creatinine does not require any special preparation.

Does this test have any risk?

Giving a 24-hour urine sample or a random urine sample has no known risk.

What do the results mean?

If your ratio of microalbumin and creatinine shows albumin in the urine, the test can be repeated to confirm the results. If your results continue to show albumin in the urine, that may indicate that you have early-stage kidney disease. If the results of your tests show high levels of albumin, that may mean that you have kidney failure. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, your doctor or health professional will take steps to treat the disease or prevent additional complications.

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

If small amounts of albumin are found in your urine, this does not necessarily mean that you have kidney disease. Urinary tract infections and other factors can cause albumin to appear in the urine. If you have questions about your results, check with your doctor or health professional.

Is there anything else I should know about the ratio of microalbumin and creatinine?

Be sure not to confuse "prealbumin" with albumin. Although they have a similar name, prealbumin is a different type of protein. The prealbumin test is used to diagnose different health problems than the microalbumin ratio

Creatinine in urine

The urine creatinine test measures the amount of creatinine in the urine. This test performed for the kidney test

What is creatinine and What is normal creatinine levels

Creatinine is measured with a blood
How the test is performed
After you give a urine sample, it is analyzed in the laboratory. If necessary, the doctor may ask you to collect urine at home for 24 hours. Your health care provider will tell you how to do it. Follow the instructions exactly so that the results are accurate.