what is bilirubin:

Bilirubin is a substance in over body in over blood.when the red blood cell break it becomes form it flow in liver digestive and gallbladder.

what is bilirubin-symptoms-bilirubin level Full guide

In the condition of a high bilirubin level, it called hyperbilirubinemia. that show the underlying condition.if the test shows high bilirubin in your body that is not a right sign for you.

in some cases, many babies born with hyperbilirubinemia but in a newly born baby, it called newborn jaundice.This causes yellow eyes and skin in a baby it happens because in the time of the birth the liver of a baby does not work properly and the liver of a baby do no process bilirubin properly

high bilirubin symptoms:

If you've got high haematoidin(Bilirubin), your high bilirubin symptoms can rely upon the underlying cause. you'll have gently high haematoidin(Bilirubin) and haven't any symptoms the least bit. Or, with moderately high haematoidin(Bilirubin), you'll solely have jaundice in high bilirubin symptoms, a yellow forged to your eyes and skin. Jaundice is that the main sign of high haematoidin(Bilirubin) levels.

  • swlling or pain in body
  • fell high fever  
  • pain in chest
  • weakness in body
  • sometime dark urine
  • vomting 

 What Is bilirubin level:

The normal bilirubin level is diffrent in men and women i mean male and female but the international value of 0.1 to 1.2