what is alkaline phosphatase

what is alkaline phosphatase-high symptoms-alkaline phosphatase normal range


Alkaline Phosphate Uses Body For A wide range to breakdown proteins. Alkaline Phosphate is an enzyme which is used into breakdown proteins. But alkaline phosphatase Plays a Most important role in bone development and liver function, it is possible to measure how much of enzyme in a person's body circulating by using  alkaline phosphatase Test. alkaline phosphatase present in most of a body

alkaline phosphatase high symptoms

These following symptoms of alkaline phosphatase high symptoms
  • Yellow Eyes or Skin
  • nauseous feeling
  • vomiting
  • feeling very weak and tired after some work
  • Loss of weight
  • Urine Darker Than Usual

But Doctor order an alkaline phosphatase test They Think these condition affecting any the following:
  • gallbladder
  • kidney
  • intestines

alkaline phosphatase normal range

The alkaline phosphatase normal range Is

The normal range is 44  to 147 international unite per liter ( IU/L) or 0.73 to 2.45 microkatal per liter ( µkat/L )

what is the cause of high alkaline phosphatase levels

 (ALP) Plays Most important role in bone development and liver function.An observation of the liver or damage that will cause ALP Level  to rise

High ALP Levels Usually indicate one or more following condition
  • gallbladder Inflammation
  • liver cancer
  • abnormal growth on the liver
  • liver scarring
  • inflammation of the liver-hepatitis
  • bile cancers
  • Medications overuse harmful for liver
  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Malnutrition
  • deficiency of vitamin-D,calcium,protein,magnesium,and zinc
  • bone cancers

Condition that in  abnormal AlP
  • Osteomalacia- weaking bone in adults
  • rickets - weaking bone in children
  • paget's disease - problem with bone regeneration
  • heart failure
  • anemia
  • celiac disease
  • hyperparathyroidism
  • some bacterial infection
  • breast cancer
  • prostate cancer
When Doctor indicates these alkaline phosphatase high symptoms they order these test and another related test like
  • Alt
  • Ast
  • Bilirubin