What Is Uric Acid:

Uric acid could be a waste byproduct. It’s shaped once your body breaks down purines, that square measure found in some foods. but if the uric acid level increases many problems. Purines show up once cells die and find taken apart. Most of the acid leaves your body after you pee, and a few after you poop.
What Is Uric Acid - uric acid symptoms - uric acid level

If you've got high levels of acid, it is a signal of sickness like arthritis. That’s after you may want a particular biopsy that measures what quantity acid you've got in your blood.

You may conjointly hear this check is known as a: serum uric acid, serum urate, or UA.

uric acid symptoms:

The Three Common High uric acid symptoms

Joint Symptoms

Too Much uric acid in a body cast many problems like joint symptoms but I will tell you all  uric acid symptoms about joint high level of uric acid causes gout in the form of joint symptoms,which includes pain, swelling, redness, inflammation, tenderness, and many people tell when they touch their joint they fell "hot".

The most common area which is affected by a high level of uric acid is heels, ankles, knees, fingers, wrists, and elbow. after the start of symptoms start, it typically takes about 12 to 24 hours for the pain in the joint to peak, if it is not treated at the time the damage of joints may become permanent.
Skin Symptoms

After a few years of a continues high uric acid levels and gout attacks that crystallized uric acid may form lumps underneath the skin. when the attack gout on a body the tophi might become swollen and tender

Kidney Symptoms

If the uric acid is high and can't be treated it develops in the form of stone in the kidney.and also they leads to various symptoms like back pain,pain in the abdomen, severe pain in the groin area, a high fever,cold chills,nausea and vomiting, and blood in the urine.

Why uric Acid Levels get high

this happens through a combination of one or more thing

  • The body produces too much uric acid
  • The kidney can't be resolved fastly.
Danger Of High Uric Acid 

high uric acid causes many serious health issues
  • Kidney stones
  • Heart Disease
  • kidney failure
  • high blood pressure
  • gout

uric acid level:

If you can see these uric acid symptoms And go to your doctor but I will tell you uric acid level
Men : 2.5-8.0 mg/dL
Female : 3.4 - 7.0 mg/dL