what is hepatitis b

what is hepatitis

what is hepatitis b-hepatitis b symptoms-hepatitis b causes-hepatitis b treatment -Hepatitis B is a virus, or an infection, that causes liver disease and inflammation (of the liver). Viruses can cause diseases. For example, Flu disease is caused by the virus. It is possible for people to spread viruses from one to the other.

Inflammation is a swelling that occurs when body tissues are injured or infected. It is possible that the inflammation causes that the organs do not work in the correct way.

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Hepatitis b causes

Hepatitis B is caused by HBV. You can get hepatitis B through contact with blood or body fluids (semen, vaginal fluids, and saliva) from a person with the virus.

Exposure may occur:

  • After a puncture with a needle or injuries with sharp objects
  • If there is the contact of blood or other body fluid with the skin, eyes or mouth, or open or cut sores
People who may be at risk for hepatitis B are those who:

  • Have unprotected sex with an infected partner
  • They receive blood transfusions (not common in the United States)
  • Have blood contact at work (such as health care workers)
  • They have been undergoing renal dialysis for a long time
  • They get a tattoo or acupuncture with contaminated needles
  • They share needles during drug use
  • They share personal items (such as a toothbrush, shaver, and clippers) with a person who has the virus
  • They were born to a mother infected with hepatitis B

All the blood used in transfusions is examined, so the probability of contracting the virus in this way is very low.

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Hepatitis b symptoms

After you become infected with HBV for the first time:

  • It may not have any symptoms.
  • You may feel sick for a period of days or weeks.
  • You can become very sick very quickly (called fulminating hepatitis).

The symptoms of hepatitis B may not appear until 6 months after the time of infection. Initial symptoms include:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Low fever
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Yellow skin and cloudy urine

The symptoms will disappear in a few weeks to months if your body is able to fight the infection. Some people never get rid of HBV. This is called chronic hepatitis B.

People with chronic hepatitis may not have symptoms and do not know they are infected. Over time, some people may have symptoms of chronic liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver.

You can transmit HBV to other people, even if you do not have any symptoms.

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Tests and exams
what is hepatitis b

A series of blood tests called analytical tests for viral hepatitis are performed when there is suspicion of hepatitis. They can help detect.

  • A new infection
  • A past infection that is still active
  • A past infection that is no longer active

The following tests can be done for the looking of liver damage

  • Albumin level
  • Liver function tests
  • Prothrombin time

An exam will also be done to measure the level of HBV in the blood (viral load). This allows your health care provider to know how your treatment is working.

People at high risk of getting hepatitis should be monitored with a blood test. This may be necessary even if they do not have symptoms. Factors that lead to increased risk include:

  • The risks described above in the Causes section.
  • People from countries where a greater number of people have hepatitis B. These countries or regions include Japan, some Mediterranean countries, parts of Asia and the Middle East, West Africa and South Sudan.
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Hepatitis b treatment

Acute hepatitis, unless severe, does not need any treatment. Liver function and other bodily functions are monitored by blood tests. You should rest a lot in bed, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy foods.

Some people with chronic hepatitis can be treated with antivirals. These medications can decrease or eliminate hepatitis B from the blood. One of these medications is an injection of the name interferon. They also help reduce the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

It is not always clear which people with chronic hepatitis B should receive pharmacological treatment and when it should be started. You are more likely to receive these medications if:

  • The functioning of the liver is rapidly getting worse.
  • Manifest symptoms of long-term liver damage.
  • It has high levels of HBV in the blood.
  • You are pregnant

In order for these medications to work better, you need to take them as directed by your provider. Ask what side effects you can expect and what to do if they occur. Not all people who need to take these medications respond well.

If you have liver failure, you can consider it for a liver transplant. Liver transplantation is the only cure in some cases of liver failure.

Other measures you can take:
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Check with your provider before taking any over-the-counter medication or natural supplement. This includes medications such as acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) or ibuprofen.
Support groups
Some people benefit from attending a support group for liver disease.

Expectations (prognosis)

The acute disease most often disappears after 2 to 3 weeks. The liver often returns to normal after 4 to 6 months in most people.

Almost all newborns and about half of children who get hepatitis B get a chronic disease. Very few adults who contract the virus have chronic hepatitis B.

About one in 100 people who get hepatitis B dies from the disease.

There is a much higher rate of liver cancer in people who have chronic hepatitis B.

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When to contact a medical professional

Call your provider if:
  • You have symptoms of hepatitis B.
  • The symptoms of hepatitis B do not disappear in 2 or 3 weeks or new symptoms appear.
  • You belong to a high-risk group for hepatitis B and have not received the vaccine against HBV.


Children and people at high risk of getting hepatitis B should receive the hepatitis B virus vaccine.

  • Babies should receive their first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine at birth. They must receive the 3 vaccines of the series at the age of 6 to 18 months.
  • Children under 19 months who have not been vaccinated should receive "recovery" doses.
  • Health workers and those who live with someone with hepatitis B should receive the vaccine.
  • Babies born to mothers who have acute hepatitis B or who have had the infection in the past should receive a special hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours after birth.

The vaccine or immunoglobulin injection against hepatitis B (HBIG) can help prevent infection if you receive it within 24 hours after contact with the virus.

Measures to avoid contact with blood and body fluids can help prevent the spread of hepatitis B from one person to another.

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