Crossfit workouts

The 'Crossfit workouts' could take its toll on your shoulder and spine

The 'Crossfit workouts' could take its toll on your shoulder and spine-Improves body composition in record time generates psychological well-being and establishes bonds of friendship.

We are talking about Crossfit workouts, a type of training that does not stop adding followers in Spain. Pay attention to the technique and practice this system according to individual capabilities is essential to

avoid injuries. A tip: before entering a box for Crossfit workouts (the CrossFiters gym) train your basic physical abilities. Diego García-Germán Vázquez, a traumatologist, and specialist in the Arthroscopy Unit of the HM Torrelodones University Hospital in Madrid tells the story.

A little history

The Crossfit workouts is a training system based on constantly varied functional exercises performed at high intensity, developed by gymnast Greg Glassman in California (United States) in the 90s. It represented a transformation in gym Crossfit workouts training routines, previously limited almost exclusively a series of lifting weights. This developed a lot of muscle but did not provide other advantages for sports such as coordination or aerobic resistance. Currently, CrossFit is a registered trademark.

It has become popular since it achieves very good results in a short space of time. It is probably the discipline of fitness in which the fruits are appreciated faster. In addition, it develops in groups where a sense of community and friendship is established against individual training. Practitioners conceive it as a sporting activity in itself and not only as physical training to improve skills and then apply them to other sports. The continuity in practice is greater than in other types of training, which tend to be abandoned in a short time.

It takes place in sessions of 45 minutes known as work of the day (WOD) in which different exercises are conducted by the coach or coach. The WOD vary in the exercises performed and their intensity. This intensity is controlled by the coach, 'escalating' or adjusting to the abilities of the practitioners.

CrossFit for beginners

Crossfit workouts

Benefits of this 'Crossfit workouts' of training

"Crossfit workouts has a beneficial effect on practically all parameters measurable in physical tests and an improvement in body composition (body mass index or BMI and morphometric measurements), as well as an increase in psychological well-being," says García-Germán.

In addition, applied to physical education classes in schools was found an increase in the enjoyment by students. Other studies have shown a very beneficial effect, both physical and emotional, in cancer survivors who practice CrossFit.

in this Article, you can get CrossFit for beginners Training for that person who loves CrossFit workouts 

High incidence of injuries

Unfortunately, the incidence of injuries can be high, warns the orthopedic surgeon. Thus, "some Many studies can show an incidence within the between 31 and 74 percent in CrossFit practitioners, with the shoulders, lumbar spine and elbows the most affected areas. These injuries are more frequent in those people who have been practicing it for longer. Shoulder injuries occur primarily during gymnastic exercises and Crossfit workouts, such as hanging on a bar. In contrast, lumbar spine injuries occur during weight-bearing exercises. "

Specifically, some studies have shown an incidence of shoulder injuries of 24 percent in 6 months. The vast majority of these occurred due to poor technique or exacerbations of previous injuries. However, many of these injuries were mild.

Although statistically, knee injuries are not as frequent -recognizes HM Torrelodones specialist-, there is a risk of meniscal injuries when performing weight-bearing exercises from a position of complete knee flexion or squats. This overloads the posterior part of the meniscus and in patients with previous meniscal degeneration can precipitate a meniscal tear.

Some serious injuries may be common to other strength activities such as weightlifting and include rhabdomyolysis (renal failure and multi-organ failure due to massive leakage of proteins into the blood) and acute compartment syndrome (as a consequence of increased pressure in the body). compartments that house the muscles in intense sports efforts). They may also be common to other activities that associate an increase in blood pressure such as retinal detachment, carotid dissection (tear in the wall of the internal carotid artery, which leads to severe headache and cerebral infarction with probable neurological sequelae ) and stroke.

How to practice 'Crossfit workouts' without risks?

"It is essential to adjust the loads and the intensity of the exercise according to the capacities of each one. An individualized progressive program should be developed to avoid the appearance of injuries, especially at the beginning of the practice, "García-Germán emphasizes. That is why, he says, it is so important to have a good coach to lead the group properly and avoid the rapid increase in intensity or burden.

The specialist says that most practitioners come to CrossFit from other training disciplines and already have an acceptable physical form. "If you start from scratch it is essential to first improve basic physical abilities," he insists.

When is it contraindicated?

In elderly, hypertensive or those with degenerative pathology of the lumbar spine or herniated discs it may be prudent to perform another type of training more focused on aerobic exercises and avoiding weight bearing.